
Computer Pioneer Bob Bemer Passes Away

Who was Bob Bemer:
* the 'father or ASCII' character set.
* the 'grandfather' of COBOL.
* the inventor of ESCAPE and BACKSLASH sequences.
* the man behind the '8-bit' byte standardization.
* a pioneer in 3-D dynamic prespective.

Bob Bemer was awarded by IEEE Computer Society with the Computer Pioneer Award.


Do you remember this machines?

The fundamental parts of software today, remains the same as LISA or NextStep software written 25 years ago, with a complete GUI metaphor, a true pre-emptive multitasking operating system, productivity applications an a true object oriented development environment.


Visual C++ 2005

Microsoft Visual C++ returns as mainstream programming language with the next release of Visual Studio. Microsoft enhances the runtime libraries, the STL and adds language constructs for .NET compatibility.


OO in One Sentence

Keep it DRY, Keep it Shy, and Tell the Other Guy..

Here is the original paper from Andy Hunt and Dave Thomas.


Operational - Reporting Databases

Martin Fowler's - Reporting Database

The separation of reporting database from the operational database provides unique advantages such as: data from business logic (calculated), a de-normalized view of database (fewer joins), maintainability of operational database and runtime performance (fewer locks)

See also:
* Martin Fowler Bliki
* Reporting from Database


Favorite links

Allen Bauer, Borland Delphi and C#Builder IDE Architect(http://homepages.borland.com/abauer/index.html)

Don Box's Spoutlet (http://www.gotdotnet.com/team/dbox/default.aspx)

Charlie Calvert (http://homepages.borland.com/ccalvert/index.htm)

Danny Thorpe, Delphi Compiler Architect (http://homepages.borland.com/dthorpe/blog/delphi/)

Steve Vinoski's Weblog (http://www.iona.com/blogs/vinoski/)


Hallmarks of a Good Design Review

* The reviewers are looking for issues in the design not on the designer.

* The reviewers and the designer should have the right attitude.

* A design engineer should accept criticism of his ideas and proposals by the reviewers.

* Distribute related artifacts to all reviewers before the actual review.

The Principles of Lean Software Development

Eliminate waste by removing anything that does not add value - Create teams of people with specific responsibilities to enhance value.

Amplify learning by increasing feedback – Create weekly to monthly, full cycle iterations.

Keep your options open – Share, Organize direct collaboration, Absorb changes, Refactor, Automate test.

Deliver Fast – Enable a smooth, rapid flow in response to customer needs.

Empower the Team – Train the team to design its own process and make commitments.

Conceptual and Perceived Integrity – Test early, test often, test exhaustively and use an automated test suite.